Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Top Speed Dialer

Alright everybody, things are just starting to get exciting with the dialer and the leads. Today I have 5 appointments that have been scheduled and I know I have some more tomorrow. Congrats and good work for those that have been calling. You find out quick that it is a lot easier to get the hang of then expected. I am going to put down a detailed step by step process of how to get onto the dialer and get started.
1. Log onto
2. Plug in user name and password. If you don't have that yet contact me and I will pass it over.
3. At the top of your home screen you will find 8 green tabs at the top. Click the last one labeled "My Account".
4. On the new screen you will find 5 options in grey. Click the first one labeled "Edit Account".
5. Change the phone number that is located on the middle left of your screen to the phone number that you will be calling from. Make sure you then hit the save button found at the bottom of your screen.
6. Click the green tap labeled "My Account" again.
7. Click on the second grey tab labeled "VoiceMail Settings".
8. In the first box you will find a speaker graphic and next to it a button labeled "Record 1st VoiceMail Message". Click on it.
9. If you have done things correctly up until now your telephone should ring and prompt you to leave a message. Remember this is a generic message. It can be something simple like, "hi this is Bob, I am just getting back to you because you requested some information on how to make money from home on my website. I am really looking forward to speaking with you so please call me back as soon as possible. My number is *** *** ****." Don't make it long and get it to the point.
10. Click on the middle green tab labeled "Campaigns".
11. Click the first grey tab labeled "Personal Imported Lists".
12. You will find a list of the many different lists that have been uploaded to the dialer. Find the one that has been assigned to you and click the box on the left of that list. If you have not yet received a specific list contact me and I will assign one to you.
13. Next you will want to set your performance setting. It is defaulted to stay on "Line Count" and your job is to move that line count to the far right side which would be the number 2.
14. Continue scrolling down and you will find that it requires that you set a voicemail message. Click "Personal Message #1" as this is the message you have pre-recorded.
15. You are now ready to begin. Click on the "Dial" located in the bottom right of your screen.
16. Your phone should ring and you will be prompted to click the play button when ready. On the right hand side of your screen will be a display of the name of the contact.
Don't hang up your phone. Click the hang up button at the top of your screen.
After you hang up you will have about ten seconds to make a report of what happened on the last call. Hang up first and then make the disposition, whether it be send email, wrong number, set appointment, etc.
On the left hand side of the screen you can set of the MonaVie script so you don't have to pull up a word document every time.
Smile. You can hear a smile through the phone.
Remember, you truly are qualifying those that you speak with. Only set up a follow up appointment if you believe this is something they want and can participate in.
Stick to the script and have fun!

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